Friday, 3 July 2015

Better Than Today

To say that 2015 has been a struggle would be an understatement. To say it has been inspirational, mind blowing and adventure filled would not be an over statement.

I have learnt more about who I am, why I teach and what is important in the last 20 weeks, that at any other time in my life.

As the clock ticks down for the last 15minutes of term 2 and 25 gorgeous children sit in front of me - all I can consider is how empty my heart will feel while away from them.

They love without discrimination, they forgive quickly and most importantly they have a hunger and thirst for learning.

My focus in teaching, after the children, has always been innovation and challenging myself to be better than today.

In 2015 I have been reminded, that while those things are important and keep education pushing boundaries, sometimes we have to step back and remember my favourite proverb:

He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.

It truly is the people, it truly is the smiles on the face of small people, it is the love we share for each other and for learning that ensures our kids are making tomorrow better than today.

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